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Saturday, September 24, 2011

On Confession & Restoration~~~

If we confess our sins, He who is upright can be depended upon to forgive sins, and to cleanse us
from every wrong. (1 Jn 1:9)

Though your sins be like scarlet, they shall become white as snow. Though they be red like
crimson, they shall become white as wool. (Is 1:18)

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Everything we need to know & have for our journey can be found in God's Holy Word, the bible. I think we have really messed up our thoughts on confession which has resulted in too many of us staying away from the tremendous GRACE available to us in the sacrament.

In the passage in 1st John, we must 1st recognize that we NEED forgiveness!! Then we must confess them to acknowledge there is a problem~ In confessing we see how short we fall & how much we need a Savior! And what a savior He is!!! A truly contrite heart that approaches the throne will never be spurned!

Don't STAY in a position of lack! Get on your knees (it is a condition of the heart as much as a physical act) & surrender yourself to His grace!!
I learned an acronym for GRACE many moons ago & when I ponder what grace is, I always think of this: GRACE stands for GOD's RICHES AT CHRIST's EXPENSE!

Now let's let that soak in for a bit & water the parched wastelands of our self-righteousness.
I'm off now to go to the 'filling station' of Reconcilation. All I do is confess & it is done!
It is not a burden, but rather an act of liberty! Set FREE & I am free indeed!

Tonite I will be caring for a precious little one who is 4 months old. How wonderfully fortunate am I to do what I have always loved & be compensated so richly for it here & now. God knows my heart & His Crown of glory awaits me in eternity! Being a 'Significant Mother' is the best gig I ever had!

Blessed & Highly Favored!!
***This I know!